elcome to Kaley Cuoco Web, your daily dose dedicated to our favorite girl next door! Kaley is best known as Penny on the TV hit and award-winning show The Big Bang Theory and as Bridget on the sitcom 8 Simple Rules. Kaley was most recently seen as Ava on Based On A True Story, as Cassie in The Flight Attendant on HBO Max, and as the voice of Harley Quinn in the animated series. We aim to bring you the latest news, images, media clips, and more; we hope you enjoy your visit. Please return to www.kaley-cuoco.com soon!
A Message About Online Scammers

Jennifer November 11, 2024

Hi Everyone! I have been receiving a lot of emails recently with the senders under the impression that I am:
1.) Kaley Cuoco
2.) Kaley Cuoco’s management
or 3.) have contact with Kaley Cuoco to relay a message.

This is a reminder that I am regular person who is a fan of Kaley Cuoco (just like you!) who happens to run a fan site dedicated to her as a hobby.

I do not know Kaley Cuoco, her family, her friends, her agents, or anyone who can relay a message to Kaley. Please do not send me email communications with the intent to pass a message along to Kaley or because you have been scammed/suspect you are being scammed.

Further on this topic, many of these emails are related numerous accounts scamming fans out of money – or at least attempting to do so. Please remember, Kaley Cuoco has announced the only social media account she has is on Instagram under the username @kaleycuoco! The account username is @KALEYCUOCO – there are no numbers, spaces, periods, or other characters except the name KaleyCuoco. At the time of this posting, Kaley’s official Instagram account is verified with a blue check mark, has the logo for “Yes, Norman” Productions (an animated version of Kaley’s dog, Norman), and features 136 posts with 7.9 million followers. Here is a screenshot of her official Instagram profile.

There is also an official Instagram business account for Kaley’s pet brand, Oh, Norman, which is run by the staff at Oh, Norman: @ohnorman.

Kaley Cuoco is NOT on any other social media website. Kaley is NOT on Facebook, she is NOT on Twitter/X, she is NOT on WhatsApp, she is NOT on Discord, she is NOT on Telegram. Kaley is ONLY on Instagram at the account listed above: @kaleycuoco!

All other profiles you see claiming to be Kaley Cuoco on any social media account – aside from the two accounts listed above – are FAKE and are set up to scam fans out of money. The internet has been accessible to many of us for at least 20 years now, so it is important to use critical thinking to ensure we are being safe online from scammers. Ways to be safe online include looking for things like verification badges, “official looking” usernames, and the number of followers an account has.

Also, be aware that AI (artificial intelligence) is here! I have seen AI-generated images of Kaley Cuoco trying to “prove” it really is Kaley, such as using a photoshoot image superimposed onto a “California Driver’s License” with misspelled words and incorrect information. Please educate yourself on how to spot AI-generated images and videos, like this resource from NPR. You can also take a photo and do a “reverse image search,” which can help you identify the originality of the image. Use sites like Google Images or TinEye to tell if an image was pulled from the internet and trying to be used as an original. It is up to you to find out if the information provided to you is real or not – and now the tools being used are outpacing our skillsets as average internet users.

Let’s discuss how some people are being scammed. Many of these fake profiles are showing up in the DMs (direct messages) of fans claiming to be Kaley Cuoco herself. Now, let’s think about this for a minute… Kaley has a young daughter, a production company developing film and television projects, a pet care line, a thriving acting career with a new project being released in less than 2 weeks, a hobby that includes caring for and competing with horses, and maintaining her relationships with her family/friends. Is it REALLY POSSIBLE that Kaley Cuoco has the time and/or energy to DM random people she doesn’t know on social media? NO!

It seems the conversations in these DMs make “Kaley” out to be desperate for “love” from fans (particularly men) and then “Kaley” begins to ask for money. This is NOT true and Kaley Cuoco is engaged to her partner, Tom Pelphrey. She does not need the attention or money of male fans.

There is the typical scam where fans are asked to pay “Kaley” for access to a “fan card,” which supposedly gives them “exclusive access” to her. This is NOT true and no such “fan card”/”fan club” exists. Again, look at how busy Kaley is – does she has time to give fans “exclusive access” to her? NO!

There is also a scam in which “Kaley” is selling big ticket items, like trucks, at low cost. Once again, this NOT true and is another attempt to scam fans of Kaley Cuoco. Remember, let’s use some common sense here… Does Kaley Cuoco really have time to sell a 2017 Ford pick-up truck on Facebook Marketplace to a “lucky” fan for $300? Is Kaley Cuoco really that desperate for money that she needs to sell ANYTHING on Facebook Marketplace? NO!

The newest scam involves “Kaley” desperately asking fans for money to help Oh, Norman meet payroll. Again, this is FAKE and Kaley Cuoco would not turn to her fans for money to pay her company’s employees. She is a partner in the company and I’m sure the executive team behind Oh, Norman have a handle on their payroll without the need for Kaley’s fans to pay their staff.

Let’s discuss why Kaley Cuoco would NEVER need to ask fans for money. According to Business Insider, Kaley Cuoco earned over $160 million during the lifespan of “The Big Bang Theory.” Kaley Cuoco has had two other largely successful projects since TBBT ended (“The Flight Attendant” and “Based On A True Story”), plus has had success with projects from her production company, Yes, Norman, including the animated series “Harley Quinn.” These new projects have brought in more earnings for Kaley since TBBT ended in 2019. Kaley also has branding deals with different companies, including Priceline, Marshalls, Toyota and Smirnoff. Back in 2013 (11 years ago!) she earned $2 million doing ads for Priceline and Toyota – so you know that she’s earned a lot more than that in her branding deals since then. Overall, it’s safe to assume that Kaley Cuoco is worth at least $165 million dollars. So, please explain WHY she needs to message fans for money? The simple answer is SHE DOES NOT NEED TO ASK FANS FOR MONEY!

Please remember to use your best judgement and not get so excited that “Kaley” contacted you. I can guarantee you 99.9999% that it is NOT Kaley Cuoco and you are being scammed.

If you encounter these fake profiles pretending to be Kaley Cuoco, it is best to report them for impersonation of Kaley Cuoco. Once you report the account, it is best to BLOCK them and cease talking to the account as well. Remember, this is NOT Kaley Cuoco; it is a scammer trying to take money from you.

If you have been scammed: I am sorry that happened to you. Please do not email me (remember, I’m a fan just like you!) about being scammed, as I cannot do anything. It is best to report the fraud to your local police and the FBI. I recommend trying to follow the advice listed in this post to ensure that you do not end up being scammed again.

Unfortunately, there is no “internet police,” so it is up to us to do our best to avoid being taken advantage of. Please be safe out there and do not communicate with accounts that contact you unsolicited, especially if it seems “too good to be true,” such as a celebrity randomly messaging you.